Music, according to Plato, "gives the universe a soul, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything."

He was absolutely correct. However, music has benefits for our bodies and health besides our imagination.

If you're like the average person, you'll sleep for roughly 26 years of your life. This is the equivalent of 9,490 days or 227,760 hours.

You'd also have to sleep for 7 years. Continue reading if you want to learn how to get a good night's sleep and wake up feeling more rested.

We shall explore the findings and benefits of listening to music while sleeping in this article.

1. Improve the quality of your sleep.

The number of hours you sleep does not determine the quality of your sleep.

Yes, that is significant. However, whether we actually rested while sleeping is the most essential element in sleep quality.

People sometimes complain about waking up weary despite sleeping for several hours. This is because of poor sleep quality.

More hours do not always imply greater sleep. A good night's sleep is contingent on several variables.

The first is how quickly your brain waves quiet down 90 minutes after you fall asleep.

Rapid Eye Movement is the term for this period of the sleep cycle. Listening to music while sleeping can assist in the stages leading up to that.

The average person sleeps for around 26 years of their life. This works out to 9,490 days or 227,760 hours. To Tweet, click here.

In one study, 50 adults with persistent insomnia were investigated. The researchers wanted to know how music affected sleep quality.

The participants were divided into two groups: 25 in the music group and 25 in the control group.

At nocturnal sleep time, participants in the music group listened to relaxing music for 45 minutes. The people in the control group didn't.

It turned found that those who listened to music while sleeping were much more rested. That's not all, though. They also reduced the time it took for their brain waves to shut down.

2. Helps you sleep better and longer.

If you like to snooze in the afternoons, you may require a longer duration of sleep.

Perhaps you have a hectic night routine and only get a few hours of sleep. Deep sleep is critical in any of these situations.

Listening to music while sleeping can help you get a good night's sleep.

Researchers looked examined the influence of sedative music on the sleep cycle in one study.

Researchers studied the sleeping patterns of 24 young individuals. For two nights in a succession, researchers randomly allocated individuals to two groups.

For the first hour that the participant was in bed, one group listened to tranquil music prepared by trained music therapists. The other group was deafeningly quiet.

Sedative music increased sleep quality by extending the time spent in deep sleep, according to the findings.

Music is a non-invasive and alternative technique to improve sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, this is quite beneficial.

That's not all, though.

Another noteworthy finding was published in the Journal of Music Therapy. People who listened to background music improved their sleep duration significantly over time.

Indeed, 66.7 percent of individuals who listened to music slept for longer periods of time.

They slept for over 7 hours each night. If you want to fall asleep quickly, listening to music while sleeping can assist.

3. Relaxation is improved.

Our circadian cycle has a significant impact on how well we sleep. Allow me to explain.

Our body's sleep timekeeper is the circadian rhythm.

The circadian rhythm, for example, aids our bodies in responding to environmental signals. These signals tell our bodies whether we should sleep or awake.

Consider it the body's natural clock for winding down and waking up.

We convey a powerful sign of the body's circadian rhythm when we listen to music while sleeping. It instructs the body to relax.

Consider this study, which was published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing. Participants were given a selection of 20 musical tapes to listen to at their leisure. Light classical, jazz, and country music were among the tapes.

The researchers also provided individuals the option of choosing their own music. They could even change the music according to their feelings.

According to the findings, listening to music made people feel more relaxed and at ease.

As the participant put it:

"Listening to the music provided me a sense of relaxation and ease, transporting me to a more pleasant environment." It was like a sense of tranquility and quiet. It was just a pleasant sensation."

This relaxing sensation assists you in naturally winding down and falling asleep.

4. Distract you from your discomfort.

Another advantage of listening to music while sleeping is that it allows you to forget about your pain. I’ll explain.

Another result of the study published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing was this.

Researchers discovered that listening to music can help patients cope with the pain after surgery.

The participant said this: 

"For a while, the music helped me forget about the pain." I could focus on the music rather than the discomfort. It made me feel a lot better."

 There was something else besides the pain distraction.

Listening to familiar music diverted all the participants from their fears, pain, and anxiety.

As a result, they became more relaxed and, most times fell asleep.

The point is this:

Listening to music while sleeping can help you sleep better if you have chronic discomforts, such as back or neck pain.

It can help you sleep better by distracting you from the pain.

5. Reduces anxiety

You don't want to be stressed if you want to sleep soundly.

Workplace, health, and relationship stress can all keep you from getting a decent night's sleep.

Listening to music has been shown in several studies, including this one, to help ease tension and anxiety.

One recent study, for example, discovered a link between music and stress. Pediatric emergency room patients can benefit from music.

Patients who listened to relaxing music were reported to be much less stressed.

Especially while an IV is being put in. Those who did not listen to music were in more pain.

6. Allows you to sleep more quickly

Another crucial aspect of having excellent sleep is going to bed earlier. It's also known as sleep onset.

Listening to music while sleeping can help you fall asleep faster.

Researchers looked into the effect of a personalized music protocol on sleep in one study. Does that help you fall asleep faster?

Did the music protocol help you stay asleep once you fell asleep? That was one of the study's objectives.

A two-week regimen of vigorous music listening was allocated to 52 women who took part in this study.

Music was found to reduce the time it took to fall asleep and the number of overnight awakenings. And the sleep quality increased.

7. Allows you to sleep for less money.

If you're someone who spends a lot of money on sleep aids or pharmaceuticals to combat insomnia, you're well aware of how costly it can be.

Listening to music while sleeping is an alternative that is also less expensive.

For example, this study looked into the impact of music on sleep quality in young people who had trouble sleeping.

Not only did the researchers discover that listening to calming classical music can help people sleep better.

They also advised nurses to use listening to music while sleeping as a "safe, inexpensive, and simple to learn strategy" for treating insomnia.

8. Enhances mental performance

Sleep isn't only a means to an end. It also serves as another goal. This is how we perform after we have slept.

We don't just want to wake up feeling refreshed and renewed.

However, we also want to be more alert, less tired, invigorated, and productive.

It's no surprise that a brief afternoon nap works wonders.

When you're weary after eating, taking a quick nap can help you regain your attention.

The good news is that sleeping to music improves your concentration after you wake up. You are more aware when you do wake up.

In one study, pupils were given a 45-minute CD of music every day during naptime and at bedtime for three weeks.

Background music is vital for feeling rejuvenated during the day, according to the study.

It allowed students to concentrate better in class.

9. Help in weight loss

Here's something shocking: nobody teaches us how to sleep effectively in high school. We know relatively little although we will sleep for roughly 26 years on average.

You're more likely to gain weight if you don't get enough sleep, according to studies.

According to some studies, you'll consume 559 more calories the next day. Get your eight hours of shut-eye.

Another study found a link between sleep deprivation and weight increase. You are more prone to gain weight if you sleep for less than 5 hours per night.

The most significant advantage of listening to music while sleeping is that it improves sleep quality. You will get the rest you require.

Getting enough sleep also helps you shed abdominal fat and avoids weight gain.

10. Defends against illnesses

Individuals who sleep less than six hours every night, according to one study, incur significant health concerns.

They may be three times more prone to developing diabetes and heart disease.

Listening to music while sleeping allows you to sleep deeper, faster, and for longer periods of time.

All of this can aid in the prevention of heart disease caused by insufficient sleep.

What kind of music should you listen to before going to bed?

So, assuming you've read this far and are convinced of the advantages of listening to music while sleeping, one question arises:

What kind of music should I play?

Here's the thing: it all boils down to preference. Here are a few pointers to help you narrow down your musical preferences.

And these options will assist you in getting a good night's sleep.

Select recognizable music.

It's preferable to sleep to a song you're familiar with. It eventually becomes an external cue to your body that it's time to wind down and sleep.

Familiar music will also keep you from being distracted. Not to mention that a loud piece of the new song is disturbing your sleep.

Slower beats per minute are recommended.

During a wildfire, our bodies and brains are frequently like dry leaves. It easily spreads to different parts once it catches a bit of the fire.

To put it another way, our minds are extremely responsive. And the response you want to provoke when you want to sleep is relaxation.

Our breathing will match the slow beat of the music, which will line with our heart rate. All of this makes it possible for us to sleep.

Slow music and music with a beat rate of 60 to 80 beats per minute (BPM) are recommended. Most of the research used classical, jazz, or other calming musical genres.

Select music with no lyrics.

Most people's brains are drawn to songs in words simply because we like or recognize them.

Remember, that's the last thing you want to do before going to sleep. Allowing the brain's cognitive mechanism to wind down and rest is also vital.

Is ambient music beneficial to sleep?

How effective is ambient music in aiding sleep? Music can help you fall asleep faster and sleep better if you set it up correctly. Listening to ambient music to assist you with sleep has been proven to work in studies.

Pursue consistency.

Our bodies' and brains' adaptation to sleep becomes greater over time, as evidenced by several studies. It was used in some studies for up to three weeks.
Plus, it takes time to develop and experience the consequences of habits.

Therefore, once you've started, try to stick to your bedtime music regimen. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away.

Protect your feelings.

If the song you've chosen reminds you of a bad date or a nasty breakup, you've made the wrong decision.

The idea is for you to fall asleep. You don't want to elicit strong negative emotions that make you feel more anxious and awake.

The opposite is also true. Choose tunes that will make you so happy that you won't be able to sleep like a child on Christmas Eve.
With earbuds, you can avoid falling asleep.

Earbuds or headphones are excellent for immersing yourself in the world of music.

However, it may disturb your sleep, and continuous use may cause ear canal damage.

Is it preferable to sleep with or without music?

"Reliable studies show that music with a 60-beat-per-minute rhythm helps people fall asleep," adds Breus. "As you fall asleep, your heart rate slows and moves closer to 60 beats per minute." Slow music "tunes" your heartbeat toward sleep.

Make the rest of your sleeping environment better.

Simple adjustments can improve your sleep quality. One is getting the ideal bedroom lighting. It could also be a matter of picking the proper pillow.

It could also be the smell of the bedroom or, if it's summer, the air circulation. It might also be the hue of your bedroom paint.

The idea is to notice the subtle details that make you feel at ease. Sleep naked if you want to.
There are many advantages to taking everything off at night. You might also try reading before going to bed to relax.

Ensure that your body is at ease.

Maintain a room temperature of 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Having a well-ventilated bedroom is a significant change.


At nocturnal sleep time, participants in the music group listened to relaxing music for 45 minutes.

Listening to music while sleeping can help you get a good night's sleep.

Sedative music increased sleep quality by extending the time spent in deep sleep, according to the findings.

Listening to music while sleeping can help you sleep better if you have chronic discomforts, such as back or neck pain.

For example, this study looked into the impact of music on sleep quality in young people who had trouble sleeping.

The most significant advantage of listening to music while sleeping is that it improves sleep quality.

Listening to music while sleeping allows you to sleep deeper, faster, and for longer periods of time.